- 08 December 2021 –
Drop by this excellent new casino: Vegadream, and get to try many of its biggest online games, or even enter the campaigns to win some astounding rewards. That means an even larger number of games to play and rewards to win, for that is precisely the kind of experience that will let you do just that. And so much more in fact, for there is always something exciting to do around the Vegadream casino. All of these online events are about to begin as soon as you join the Vega dream program, thus resulting in all manner of gifts and presents that will let you enjoy your stay at this fabulous online casino. The gambling experience will reach new heights once you become a full time member. Therefore you should at least consider joining, so that you may still get to appreciate all that this online gaming site has been up as of late.
And so the Drops & Wins – Winter Edition will provide all you may ever need. That includes certain bonus gifts superb rewards, for those are about to continue on giving away multiple cash prizes, as well as other cool benefits that all members of the Vegadream casino are about to enjoy once they register a user account and join the gaming program. The Winter Edition of these Drops & Wins will continue on further; until the year 2022, which means there is plenty of time left for you to sign up and opt in to enter this network promotion; sponsored by the Pragmatic Play studios and online casino Vegadream.
Campaign: Drops & Wins
Promotion: Winter Edition
Rewards: 1,000,000 cash
Games: Pragmatic Play slots
Start: 17th November 2021
End: 9th February 2022