Everyone can use some portion of cash every now and then, especially when it can be won through a lottery of sorts, as this way it will not require so much effort. If you feel lucky, then you should definitely sign up for the upcoming draw that will be carried out by one of the online casino sections at the Paddy Power Games network. Get ready for some really intense gaming action, as with each passing moment, you might get closer to winning the €15,000 award, provided specifically for this particular giveaway hosted by the Games room of Paddy Power online casino. The prize pool is quite high and it will be a rather challenging gameplay that many are sure to experience as soon as they feel like opting in for it.

The games selected for this event will involve the IGT software based slot games: “Wheel of Fortune: Ultra 5 Reels” and “Wheel of Fortune: Triple Extreme Spin”, respectively. This promotion happens to run until the 5th of June, as the final draw has been planned to take place on June the 7th. In order to qualify and be included into this campaign, you just have to play for €10 on one of the featured games and you will automatically receive an entry ticket, generated for such purpose alone. With each €10 played on the games, another ticket would become available, so it sure might improve the chances of winning at the end, thus giving you the advantage necessary to do just that.

Paddy Power Casino Promotion

* The draw will be held at Paddy Power Games on the 7th June 2016

* Players can qualify for the event until the 5th June

* Eligible games: Wheel of Fortune: Triple Extreme Spin, Wheel of Fortune: Ultra 5 Reels

* Every €10 played on promoted games will grant one raffle ticket

* Additional conditions for the campaign are still mandatory

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