The summer is closing in, so if you are planning to go somewhere this year, then you could probably use some extra money. Stashing that extra buck that you make may not always be as easy as it seems, and even though you try hard there might be some other things that could prove worth spending money on or even necessary in some cases. Fear not however, because the Guts casino will help you acquire the additional funds and do it in a fun and entertaining way. It sure is great to play a hot casino game and at the same time grab a portion of money that might just be what you need.

Behold the new online promo that Guts will be running from the 5th until the 11th of June this year, offering a staggering €10,000 prize pool to a total of 500 winners. This should be quite a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience that is sure to bring you a whole lot of extra money to spare on whatever you like. Each €10 wager made on NetEnt’s “Jungle Spirit: Call of the Wild” video slot will come with a single entry into the draw that is going to be held by casino Guts on the 12th June 2017. Landing on a higher position will offer a much better prize, so if you claim the first one, then a whopping €2,000 will be yours to enjoy on whatever you like. The participants are able to collect up to 50 raffle tickets every single day of this campaign, so in order to maximize the chances, you may want to consider playing Jungle Spirit quite a lot.

Guts Casino Promotion

Campaign period: 5th – 11th June

Raffle date: 12th June 2017

Featured game: Jungle Spirit: Call of the Wild

Minimum wager: €10

Daily ticket limit: 50

Position / Prize
1st: €2,000
2nd: €300
3rd: €250
4th-500th: €15

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