One can never have enough money, or at least that is what some people think whenever an occasion for extra cash springs up from nowhere. Though it might not necessarily make you rich, it sure will bring you some additional funds to spare on whatever you like, so hurry up and join the Fishing Tournament at Casino Heroes, before it is too late. This inspiring summer promo has been initiated on the 28th of June, but it will run only till the 3rd of July, so be sure to sign up for this event and grab a virtual fishing pole, because this time it would be the “Golden Fish Tank” slot playing host for the duration of this campaign. The Summer Games are always a happy period here at the Casino Heroes, where the many fantastic realms are participating in an equally shared pastime.

Clearly it is something worth considering, as the promo comes with a huge prize pool of €5,000, which the top 50 players are going to share at the end of the competition. In order to be find yourself among the winners, you must be able to achieve the highest coin win through a single spin made in Golden Fish Tank’s free spin mode, so keep your fingers crossed and head on to CasinoHeroes right away. It clearly looks like the summer holidays would be much more attractive this year, if only complimented with one of the cash prizes that are up for grabs this time around.

Casino Heroes Promotion

* This promotion runs until the 3rd July 2016

* The Golden Fish Tank is featured during the event

* Only the biggest coin wins from a single spin will count

* Top 50 players are all going to share the prize pool

* Additional terms & conditions may apply

1st spot = €700
2nd spot = €500
3rd spot = €400
4th spot = €300
5th spot = €250
6th spot = €200
7th spot = €150
9th-10th spots = €125
11th-16th spots = €100
17th-20th spots = €75
21st-30th spots = €60
31st-40th spots = €35
41st-50th spots = €25

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