There can never be enough of entertainment, not since bet365 is in charge of it. This fabulous online casino is always surprising its viewers with new game additions as well as regular campaigns, such as the one that is about to follow. If you are ready for some intense gaming action, then you are in luck, because casino bet365 has just launched its original promotion that will span for the entire month or so.

The Month of Missions is going to grant you the ability to progress through a varying degree of tasks, thus granting a plethora of rewards that involve free rolls and other goodies worth about €65,000 in total. The promo will last until the 2nd of October, so if you feel up to the task, you may already head on there and start generating results. There is a special mission sections dedicated to this event, so make sure to look for it as soon as you reach the website. If you do not seem to possess an account yet, then remember to properly register with bet365, so that you can fully enjoy all of its attractions.

There are currently 4 daily and 2 weekly missions that players may want to attend and each of those helping to get closer to any of the designated prizes. You may collect special cash tickets and entries to enter the draws for free rolls as well as the big cash pot, which are going to appear at some point of this online adventure. Each of the draws is also going to bring a different amount of money to the roster, so be sure to check out when and how to enter these raffles, as those might require a different entry. Some of the missions might seem challenging at first, but rest assured that everybody has an equal chance at winning and grabbing some portion of the cash pot or freerolls along the way.

All stages of this campaign come with a specific time limit, so one must be absolutely certain about every aspect of the promotion and keep it within time frames provided by the operator. Once everything is met, there is only the excitement of awaiting for the final results, as prizes would be handed out as soon as the campaign progresses onward.

bet365 Casino Promotion

€500 – Daily “All in Freeroll”: every day at 18.00GMT

€1000 – Daily “All in Freeroll”: every day at 17.00GMT

€3000 – Weekly “All in Freeroll”: Sundays at 17.30GMT

* Promotion runs till the 2nd of October 2016

* All missions must be completed within their designated time frames

* Tickets can be earned after completing missions

* The missions may have a varying level of difficulty

* Additional T&C apply

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